sita devi
love. service. devotion.

Sita registered with the Yoga Alliance in 2007 for 500 hours
and has been teaching yoga for 15 years.
Sita began teaching at Bhakti Yoga Shala, in Santa Monica, California
where she developed her skills as a teacher and kirtan leader
under the guidance of her beloved teacher and friend, Govind Das.

Love is the deepest,
most supreme philosophy
– Srila Narayan Goswami Maharaj

Her passion for traveling and being in service has taken her on tour teaching and chanting at events all over the globe. For the past 5 years, Sita has been teaching in the San Fransisco Bay Area at Namaste Yoga and Yoga Tree. Sita teaches a variety of yoga, movement and dance modalities. She currently hosts retreats worldwide in India, Bali, Europe, Guatemala and the Pacific Northwest, as well as local retreat centers including Esalen, 1440 Multiversity, Mandala Springs and Sierraville. In the Bay Area, she has been facilitating, teaching and doing sound healing at Ecstatic Dance since 2008.

Sita’s intention is to share Bhakti making it easily accessible.
It is her dream to make Bhakti something that anyone can do, without limitation, expectation, discrimination or judgement. Sita’s prayer is for her service to help those around her to feel more present, connected with their heart and aligned with their true selves.